Saturday, October 19, 2013

Black Walnuts

Getting in as much cable watching as I can. Right now it's "Too Cute" on Animal Planet. Tonight's show is on puppies. I'd never seen the show before but have to admit it's hard to watch more than a few minutes before you are saying "That's just too cute." Actually, it's kind of a nice change from the usual TV fare. The only "plot" seems to be videos of baby animals growing up. It's soothingly like a children's book - nothing too harsh or controversial. A welcome respite from "The Vikings" marathon I watched this afternoon.

1 comment:

Pete said...

The loaded wheelbarrow pic reminds me of mine. Raked up 9 loads of acorns and associated grass. Backyard White Oaks were very prolific this year. Don't know if true, but someone told me trees produce more acorns/nuts when they feel this year with very little rain.