Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Autumn color

A cow walking into the milking parlor today decided to stop and lower her head to check out my hair. "Get going you little schnickel Fritz." I said. "Schnickel Fritz!", I thought. It's been decades since I used that word (maybe this is one of the side effects of growing old.) My grandfather would call me that when I was a kid. Decided to look it up on the Internet to make sure I was spelling it correctly. Found out that it has acquired some new definitions that would never have occurred to my grandfather. Finally found an entry that said it was a German term of endearment for an inquisitive or mischievous child. Actually, I kinda like the sound of the word and think I'll start using it again. Sprinkling German words in w/ my broken Spanish - that will really confuse poor Antonio.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dad used to call Olivia that all the time. :-)