Thursday, September 05, 2013

Working on the deck

As I said before. I got a one batch of bad boards when my contractor built the deck. The surface of the boards has been slowly wearing away  until there were actual holes. I ordered 13 replacement boards and this week, Phil and Brent have been working on taking out the bad and putting in the good. Since all of the boards were located around the south end of the deck, they didn't have to take apart the entire deck but a significant portion of it.  The project hasn't been w/o it's unforeseen problems. One of them being that the new boards are 1/8" wider than the old boards. Not enough to notice w/ the naked eye but enough that by the time they reach the corner of the deck, the boards won't match up w/ the boards going the other way. The guys had various ideas about how to rectify this but I let them know that it had always kinda bothered me that the boards matched up in the first place. I don't think the guys believed me and think I'm trying to make less work for them. My philosophy is that there are enough places in life where you have to have symmetry. If you find an opportunity to be asymmetrical, go for it.


Anonymous said...

I wish you had been available for advice when I was doing my final art project at Stout. When the professor knew I was interested in quilting, he told me to do a quilt-asymmetrical design! All quilt patterns were symmetrical at that time. Things are much different now.JVM

Pete said...

Phil volunteered to work with me on my deck remodeling job, but I figured we both had plenty of other things to do, so hired a construction company to handle the work and any of the gotchas that always seem to pop up.