Wednesday, September 04, 2013


The library was busier than I expected tonight. Now that school had started I thought students would be using the school's library but I had even more students come in than usual. One girl asked if she had any books on the hold desk (these are books that people can order from other libraries). It was a rhetorical question. She always has books waiting for her. Today it was only 10. I jokingly asked her why so few. With a serious face she informed me that she had school work to do now and that was cutting into her reading time. A teenager walked in, earbuds in place and texting. He told me that he could only read at a 4th grade level. "Not a problem." I said. "We have books at that reading level." He seemed to like that answer and talked a little while longer before meandering back outside - no books checked out but saying he would be back. One of the regulars was in a chat room talking w/ his girlfriend who is currently in London. Then a lady came to the desk and told me she had just read "Clan of the Cave Bear". She couldn't remember the authors name but would like to read more in the series. That was a no-brainer and she left w/ six books tucked under her arm. Sometimes I've heard people wonder why have we need libraries anymore. Just volunteer at your local library and find out. 

1 comment:

Pete said...

Volunteering for jobs like the library are great for expanding one's insights into human diversity, along with helping the local community .... a win/win!

PS- hope your deck repair is progressing nicely. I'm having mine redone with a PVC material later this month.