Thursday, September 19, 2013

Northern Bluet damselfly

Even though it was only 58 degrees when I got to work, the milking parlor was sweltering once we started working (as I've said 16 cows give off a lot of heat). Thursdays are scrub days so I was hot, wet, dirty, smelly, and tired when I left work. Got a message while I was still in the dairy's parking lot that the repair guy could fix my microwave today if I had the time. I called him back and said sure. He was an hour away. It was a sprint to get home, get a shower, and unload the cabinet on top of the microwave (it's an over-the-stove type). While the repair man worked, I sorted mail that had built up and paid bills. As soon as he was gone, I and Indy jumped in the car and I cashed the work check that I'd been carrying around for awhile, went to the post office, and picked up some groceries. I got everything done today that I'd planned and then some. OK ... not a terribly exciting day but a good day.

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