Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Evening Primrose

The 2013 county plat book came out and the picture that graces the cover is one I took. Whoopee! As  soon as I could I was standing in front of the county treasurer's window. The treasurer asked what she could do for me. She's new to the office so wouldn't remember me as a town clerk. "I'd like to have some plat books." I told her. She started pulling them out and then asked what I wanted them for. (Maybe some groups get discounts?) "I want them for me." I said, hardly suppressing my grin. She told me how much I owed and started making out a receipt. Since she had opened up the subject, I asked her, "Want to know what I'm going to do w/ them?" "No. They are probably going to some men." she replied. (Bet there is a story there but I didn't pursue it.) Decided to be a bit more blunt. "Beautiful picture on the front." I blithely commented. That and seeing my name on the check must have clicked something in her mind. She looked up at me and said "Oh, you're the one." She then tactfully agreed it was a nice photo. I'm sure I'll be obnoxious for awhile about the plat book picture. Please bear w/ me.


Anonymous said...

I've I found that one has to toot your own horn occasionally to get some attention. Will we all get a plat book for Christmas? Is this the picture today? Are you keeping us in suspense? I'm sure they (?) made a good choice.
Good for YOU!JVM

Anonymous said...

Prestigious to have your phtography art on a magazine cover! Very awesome!!


Kathy said...

Congratulations! And I knew you when...

Any place we can view online?

Anonymous said...

We love it; the picture and the plat book. Many thanks.