Saturday, September 14, 2013

Fungus on white birch tree

I figure the library should be a place you want to go - that's my goal when I volunteer. Since I am expected to be at the library by 9:30 a.m., I open up then (instead of waiting for the posted 10 a.m. start). A lady was stopped outside on her bike this morning when I unlocked the doors so I poked my head out to reassure her that the library was open if she wanted to come in. She thanked me profusely. She needed to copy some documents and if she waited until posted opening time, she wouldn't be able to mail them today. Another lady asked if we had any books by Mary Ellis. We didn't have them but I walked her through the process to order them from another library - she ordered every book in the series. A father brought in his two children to use the computer. The boy didn't have a parental permission card on-file so his father filled one out. His father kidded the child, "You are 11 years old?" The boy immediately corrected him, "I'm 11 AND A HALF." (Remember when you added that extra 1/2 year so you would appear older? I never hear anyone say "I'm 60 1/2 years old.") It turned out to be a fairly busy morning but I think I accomplished my objective - everyone who came into the library enjoyed the visit.

1 comment:

Pete said...

A positively FUN and REWARDING experience!!!! We all need more of these in today's world!