Sunday, August 11, 2013

Crow at Sunrise

Made a strawberry filled German pancake for breakfast this morning. Then drove to have coffee w/ Aunt June on the Nursing Home's patio. A definite improvement over yesterday's breakfast. I hadn't shopped for groceries all week. By Saturday morning I'd run out of food in the house. So I went out for breakfast to Katie's. I ordered and settled in to read the newspaper until my food arrived. Then, just like at other restaurants recently in the news, a child two tables away let out a truly ear-piercing scream. The adult in attendance murmured an ineffectual "shhh" and continued to talk to the other adult. The child kept up her yelling at various decibel levels. So much so that I didn't even hear the waitress when she delivered my food. Sure, I understand that the parents just wanted to take a break, they probably didn't realize how irritating their darling's cries were to the unaccustomed, they may even have been trying to teach the child not to throw a tantrum by ignoring her. I was silently thinking someone needed a spanking - not the child, her parents.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with you. We tried very hard to not be 'those parents'. Ha!