Saturday, August 10, 2013

Wild Cucumber

Every year there is something, flora or fauna, that has a population growth spurt. Some years it's multiple things but this year it is definitely wild cucumber. Not only is this vine covering everything that stands still long enough but w/ it's upright sprigs of showy white flowers you can see it everywhere. Even on the way over to the Big City last weekend, I was pointing out large masses of it along fence lines, covering shrubs, and crawling onto the roadways. I suppose conditions were just perfect for it to grow. It's fruit smells and tastes a little like cucumber (but if eaten it will cause an upset stomach and other undesirable effects). While it's a little eerie to see the stuff all over in the swamps, I'm trying to remember that it's a pretty sight this year but next year I'll probably have to search to find it.

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