Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Brown-eyed Susan

My birthday today. Finally I'm no longer the dreaded 6-0. Instead I'm now in my early 60's - no where near 70. After volunteering at the library tonight, I picked up a pizza, candy bar, and some diet Pepsi. I suppose that could be considered a little pathetic for a birthday bash but the ambiance of where I'm eating makes up for it. I'm on my deck. Temp in the 70's. Clear skies. My view goes on for miles across fields, forests, and hills. I can hear the dusk chorus of the birds, crickets, and peeper frogs. The sun is just setting making everything glow. Indy has sighted a pair of deer in the back yard but, instead of giving chase, decided to stay by my chair (think she is looking for some pizza handouts). Life is good.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Susan. May you have many, many more, just as enjoyable as this one.
Kim A.

Kathy said...

Hey, you didn't mention my Happy Birthday 'singing' email!

Hmmm. Maybe I should have called and really sang?