Wednesday, July 17, 2013

European Skipper butterfly

I was walking on a path next to the woods. Suddenly the scent in the air wasn't that of wild flowers (unless a carrion flower was blooming in the woods). Something had died. I walked on but I could still smell it - almost vividly. Whatever had died was big. I walked even further but could still smell it. Finally realized that what I was smelling was Indy - who must have rolled in whatever it was. I changed the route we were taking to go past a pond hoping that Indy would splash in to cool off and thus become less potent. However she liked her new eau de cologne and wouldn't jump in. She is definitely getting a bath when we get home. However, I'll put her in the garage until after I eat. Pretty sure I would lose my appetite if I scrubbed her off before hand.

1 comment:

Brent said...

Pretty butterfly. How is the butterfly population in general this year?