Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Basswood blossoms

 Warm enough that I decided on a short walk so Indy, in her fur coat, wouldn't overheat. We went the length of Gorgeous Gorge and then turned left into a field and circled back up to the grove. We hadn't gone this way in awhile and I wanted to check for certain flowers I only find here. I was surprised to see the basswood trees were in full bloom. The basswood blossoms have a wonderful fragrance (Basswood honey is a favorite of mine). Basswood (a/k/a Linden) have large heart shaped leaves. In summer the tree's pale yellow flowers bloom against light green oblong bracts. Makes for a quite a sight. Indy and I stood in the shade of the basswood grove for awhile before heading out again across the field toward home. Reminded me again that it is important to take every path on a regular basis - might have missed this treat otherwise.

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