Monday, July 22, 2013


Evan, the dairy owner's son, took a class at the state's capital city and returned to say he had learned from his classmates that the Subaru Forester is a favorite of gay people. The owners, of course, told me since that is what I drive. I'm not sure if I understand the implications of the statement. People that are homosexuals know quality? (The Forester receives high marks from Consumer Reports.) Driving a Forester is some sort of gay secret code? (I suppose just putting a decal of Teletubby Tinky Winky on your car's bumper would be too obvious?) Reminds me of when I received a survey asking what "woman's magazine's" I subscribe to. None of the magazines listed were anything I would normally read so I had to write in under "Other" that I get The Smithsonian, Glass Patterns, and Sky and Telescope - since I'm a woman and those are the magazines I read. I sometimes wonder why things get pigeon-holed into certain categories. By the way, my next car will be a Tesla. (Wonder what that means?)


Shelby said...

I drive a Forester, too and have for 10 years. Statements like that are about as brilliant as saying a rainbow is also a sign of homosexuality. Everyone knows a rainbow is God's promise to never destroy us by flood again. And a Forester is just a car. If they gays want a sign, maybe they should make up something original. :-)

Pete said...

Tesla .... interesting electric vehicle! Tad pricey, but catches my eye too. California company has been looking into starting a dealership in MN. Guess a Tesla owner would be an electrifying person who doesn't need to take static from anyone else!