Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Poke Milkweed

Once the frac sand that's been stockpiled at the dairy is used up, there won't be anymore delivered. Eric commented that when frac sand gets wet it acts a little like kitty litter and makes balls. Regular sand lets water seep through while it remains dry. Carol told me today that she suspected, but had no proof, that this kind of sand would cause more incidences of mastitis. Actually, I had been thinking the same thing. The cows come into the parlor w/ lots of sand still stuck to them. Though we try our best to carefully clean each teat completely, I worry that these tiny sand specs get into the milking machines. On it's plus side, frac sand is rather pretty and makes interesting swirls when I'm rinsing down the parlor. Think the diary owners made the right choice.

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