Thursday, May 02, 2013

Unhappy Bluebird

When my first alarm clock went off, I was up immediately and soon dressed and eating breakfast. Decided to leave early for work. Good thing. The snow was already deep enough to make driving difficult. Yes, snow. Lots of snow. Lots and lots of snow. Once I got back home from work, junked any plans on going out again for the day. Have over a foot of the snow now and the forecast is for it to continue into the night. My boss just called to warn me that the milk hauler got stuck in the dairy's driveway and there are some rather deep ruts in the road. I'll have to hit the hay early tonight. Am guessing I'll need to get an early start tomorrow too.


Brent said...

Wow, I didn't realize you were getting that much snow over there. I don't ever remember that much snow in May before. Should melt soon.

Anonymous said...

Snow in May? I love the pic of the bluebird! He will need to get warm in his house! Carolyn

Anonymous said...

We got over a foot of snow also. Dating back to 1800's the record had been 2 inches. They said if you add up all the snow over the last 100 years we have had in May it would only equal 4 inches.

I worry about the birds. What should we do for them - buy bird seed, clear off the ground, invite them in for lunch, let them be?
