Thursday, April 18, 2013

THIS WAY (actually turkey tracks)

The milking parlor would be a wonderful place for a time-motion study. Even little deviations which amount to only a small amount of extra time add up in the repetitive nature of the work. We do have written procedures to follow. New people either can't remember all of the procedures or like to try what they consider is a better way to do things. As proof to this theorem I can compare today to yesterday. Both days were basically the same - same amount of cows, same amount of work, same start time. The difference was on Wednesday I worked w/ the new guy, Tommy, and today I worked w/ Jose. Tommy thought it would be a good idea if he just prepped cows and I put all of the milkers on (quickly put a stop to that one). He also thought using a new dip cup when he hadn't finished w/ an old one wasn't a big deal (well, actually it isn't but it does use up extra time). He still hasn't gotten the concept that milking cows is our primary objective and any  other stuff should be done if there is extra time. Working w/ Jose, on the other hand, is easy.  We know exactly what the other person is going to do since we both follow the same procedures. Tommy and I finished milking at 10:30 a.m. Jose and I finished just before 9.

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