Saturday, April 06, 2013

Coyote on the hunt

Pulled up the window shade and looked outside. (audible gasp) I'd checked a couple of hours earlier in case there was going to be a moonrise but the sky was overcast. Now there was an inch of snow over all of those lovely bare areas where it had previously melted away. Decided to treat myself and breakfasted downtown at Katie's and then opened up the library early. Took down the display that was in the case. It had been there since I coordinated it's installment last December. No one had taken up the mantle to coordinate 2013. Therefore, I told the library board if they wished, I would do it this year too. They accepted but before I could get set up, the Friends of the Library called and said it was the building's 10th anniversary next week. They thought they would put something in to celebrate. OK by me. Gives me a little more time to find some victims ...ah... volunteers to display their collections/hobbies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I were in the area I could help you out with a collection of birdhouses, glass pitchers, thimbles or quilts. JVM