Saturday, April 20, 2013

Cow Slips in the ice

I understand that catching the Boston Marathon bombing suspects was thrilling and affected a lot of people ... but really... Reporters asking Watertown residents "What was it like to be in your house all day?" Newscasters speculating on the brother's motive? The facts I would like to know about that incident have been repeated and repeated. It's not "news" anymore. What I want to hear is what's going on w/ the people in West, Texas who are dealing w/ the aftermath of a huge fertilizer plant explosion. What caused it? Have they accounted for everyone yet? What's being done to help them? This morning's TV news didn't mention it once. I'm wondering if, because it didn't happen on the east or west coast, it isn't considered as news-worthy? Thank you to the President for mentioning West, Texas in his comments.

1 comment:

Kris said...

I kept looking for the cow that slipped on the ice until I saw the second picture. This is getting just a tad ridiculous!