Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Black Ash log

Mike2 left the dairy to start at tech school so I milked w/ a new guy today, Tommy. Just great - another youngster to make me feel like an old lady. Then I began to think about it. I'm the one who does setup. I'm the one that cleans out the used dip cups and bops into the next room to refill them. I'm the one that scrapes down the alley ways when there is a free moment. I'm the one that catches the milker unit that is squawking (Tommy was listening to tunes on his headphones so I couldn't swear that he heard them.) I'm the one that takes the dump-milk vats outside. I'm the one that climbes up one bulk tank and then the other to do the pipeline switch. I'm the one who figures out how to manipulate the young kid so at the end of milking they do rinse down of the parlor while I just wash up the buckets. For an old chick, I'm really hopping the entire time I'm at work. I should rethink this age thing. Maybe people aren't in their prime at 18. Maybe you aren't "over the hill" at 40. Maybe at 60 I'm just hitting my stride. Of course, could just be I'm a really really late bloomer.

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