Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Yes, I still have my wreath up

THIS TV runs back-to-back movies. Sometimes good but usually quite forgettable ones. Tonight they are showing Anaconda - a horror-adventure flick that is one of my fav's. It takes place in a hot steamy jungle. (Perfect to watch in the midst of this cold, ice, and snow).  A campy film where person after person is devoured whole by gigantic snakes. I've sometimes wondered if, instead of rehashing the same story line again, they should have gone to the Northwoods swamps to shoot a sequel.  Could have called it Ticks - about campers that get sucked dry by giant wood ticks. Then again, a little too close to the truth and way more scary.

1 comment:

Brent said...

Love the TICKS idea. Could film you after one of your walks when you have thirty ticks crawling up your legs. But that could be a reality show.