Thursday, March 21, 2013

Venus on the half shell

10 below zero this morning at the dairy.  Had to break out the silk long johns again.  My refrigerator magnet of Venus (a Christmas gift from a friend when our topic was "planets") is still garbed in her winter togs.   Can't even bring myself to dress her in her pink sweater outfit when it's this cold.

I do not like the signs of Spring,
the fever and the chills,
the icy mud, the puny bud,
The frozen daffodils.

Spring is simply a seasonal gap
when winter and summer overlap
I suppose it's the same in Patagonia;
Today spring fever; tomorrow pneumonia.
- Ogden Nash

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha! I think the last time I saw the lovely lady, she was not "garbed" at all.
