Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Spontaneous Snowballs

We wear a towel tote in a belt that clips around the waist when milking. It holds 250 paper towels that we use to clean off the teats before putting on the milking machine. It's made w/ the idea that the towel dispenser should hang directly in front of you. This poses a little problem. If you have just run out of towels and need those few extra to clean a cow, it's quicker to grab one from the guy milking w/ you than running back to get another bunch of towels. However, he's busy too and his towel dispenser is located ... ahem ... in a place you want to be real careful of what you are grabbing. I wear mine as if it was a gunslinger's belt and the dispenser was a holster - low over one hip. It works well for me, my workmates have no issue w/ grabbing a needed extra towel from the dispenser positioned at my side, and it gives me a bit of a swagger in my stride.


Brent said...

Very funny. You should submit this to the Dairyman (Dairyperson)?, Web site if there is one.

Anonymous said...

