Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Marguerite Mayer

The problem w/ family photos is if you don't label who they are, eventually no one will know. I scanned in pictures from my grandmother's photo album.  On most, I could identify someone in the picture - usually from the Mayer side of the family. The photos that I didn't know were usually from the Schwartz side. I had no idea who "lovingly Marguerite" was and assumed she was a Schwartz. Even sent this picture to the Schwartz family reunion in hopes someone would recognize her - no luck. Fortunately, my favorite brother-in-law, Dan, is working on a genealogy of his family and ours. He found her in the 1940 census data and armed w/ that info a cousin was able to identify her as the daughter of Christian Mayer (my grandfather's brother). She was born in 1908, married Thorwald Olsen in 1942, and worked as a nurse. Pretty cool to finally have a name and some background to go w/ the picture.


Pete said...

I ran into pics like this too when doing Genealogy work. Taught me a lesson ... always label photos: who, where, when.

Anonymous said...

That's for sure. We did a great many pictures before my parents and aunt died. Unfortanely, I still have a couple unidentified strays.JVM