Monday, December 03, 2012

Indy's Better

Deer hunting was hard on Indy this year. We spent the 9 days of rifle season just walking a couple of times each day around in the field by the house. That's enough for her to find a nice patch of tall grass to "do her business" but not enough for a black lab to get exercise. Last week when we could again walk in the woods, she often left me on the walk. She'd take off into the woods on a scent and not come back until she had discovered whatever there was to find. In the house she was constantly begged to go out to her run and even growled at the UPS guy (he backed up into his truck and slammed the door.) After a week of long walks, she seems to be calming down. Right now, Indy is on her back on the floor. Both front legs are pointed straight up in the air. Both back legs are straight behind her. She's sound asleep. Nice to have her back to normal.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

That would make for a good picture.