Saturday, December 08, 2012

GNO (Girl's Night Out)

From guest blogger kathy...
This weekend was the big GNO Christmas extravaganza.  Susan was the host for this year's gala event.  The fun started Friday evening with the games 'Last Word' and 'Quidler'.  Nancy did not participate since she was sleeping.  Susan, Kris and Kathy however enjoyed some thoughtful, difficult competition.  As I recall, Kathy won resoundingly.  The fun continued Saturday with a shopping trip to Ladysmith, a delicious lunch of Susan's homemade chili, a Christmas tree chopping excursion on Susan's land, then dinner at the Tee Away in Ladysmith.  Our exciting day concluded with opening gifts then selecting the topic for nex year.  Topic for 2013:  Constitutional Amendments.   (Yes, you read that correctly.)

All in all a great, if exhausting weekend.  Two of us are sound asleep, the two hardy ones are still awake and partying.  Well, we're awake at least.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun weekend! Can't wait to see a picture. :-)

Susan's sister