Saturday, December 29, 2012

Full Moon

I had one more check from the last town meeting to deliver. It was a small check for the chief election inspector to cover a 15 minute meeting. However, I had just received the new voting booths and I was using the check as a reminder to show them to her. Today seemed a good day so I gave her a call and took one of them over to her home. The new voting booth collapses into it's own carrying case and after some trial and error we figured out how the legs extend and sides pop up. We only had three voting booths in the old town hall and there was never a waiting line for them so  I ordered three new voting booths - two regular and one handicapped accessible. That should make the state inspectors happy and give the poll workers one less thing to worry about.  We are all set for the next election -  that is once we get water/electricity/ and heat in the new building.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yah, I remember setting up those voting booths. The ones in Memphis were supposely outdated. Actually, I thought they were very nice compared to KY. But the handicap one was really a bear! Several times we had to open polls and then go back and try to get the handicap one in operation. It did look reasonable in the instructions, oh well. JVM