Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Frosty Morning

A new dentist came in to give my teeth a quick check after the cleaning. He was making comments as the hygienist made notes. He seemed surprised, "Oh, she has a torus palatinus." The hygienist replied, "Yes, already made a note of that." Having never heard the term before and since I obviously had whatever it was, I asked the doc. "It's a bony growth at the top of your mouth." he said. OK, I always knew I had a bump on the roof of my mouth. I had just assumed that is how the palate should be formed, though I was aware that some people didn't have one. (No need to ask how, I just knew.) I asked the dentist if it was anything I should be concerned about. "They only cause a problem if we have to make dentures," He explained, "but you won't ever need them." With the amount of money I've spent and pain I've endured over the years on getting crowns and root canals, I hope not!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My youngest was born with torus palatinus, but it went away by the time she was 4. You are the only other person I know who has this.