Monday, November 19, 2012

Foyer pictures

Got my teeth cleaned this afternoon. The hygienist called my name and I followed her to a small niche where she said she would take my height and weight. "No," I replied. She seemed a little surprised and asked, "How about just your height?" "No," I repeated. She led me into one of the rooms w/ dental equipment and chair. "I must insist on taking your blood pressure." "No," I said. She now used a different tactic. "May I take x-rays?" "Sure," I agreed, "as long as it's of my teeth. I can understand why you would want them." If, as consumers, we are suppose to be questioning what our health providers are doing, they better get used to us saying "no" more often. Still got a toothbrush, floss, and toothpaste at the end of my cleaning. Pretty sure they didn't subtract anything from my bill despite not needing to take my vitals.


Anonymous said...

New color on your wall looks sharp. My dentist hasn't asked me for those things yet. Thanks, I will now be prepared to say no. They do want to know what meds I might be taking. Guess I can understand that.


Jordan Journal said...

If they are not giving you sedation, why would they need your vitals. Did they even give you a reason? Maybe they are looking for ways to give you "value added" service AKA high fee justification.

Anonymous said...

Went to my regular yearly doctor, (that I have seen for the past 25 years)and they wanted to take my picture for "the file". I said no. They asked two years in a row but not this year. Must have given up. I do notice that I stand up for myself more as I age and don't take much flack. Now I see what that aging is all about!!

Anonymous said...

I like the color!
