Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Conifer Blueing Bracket fungi

Lego club night at the library.  Once a month on Wednesday after school a group of kids meet at the library and put together Legos.  They have a theme for the month which some kids follow and some don't.  They all seem to have a lot of fun.  When I get there for my volunteer duty their meeting is just finishing and there are little kids running everywhere.  I handed the library's cell phone to a little girl who wanted to call her father - then had to run out the door after her when she started to leave w/ a friend, library phone still in hand.  That recovered, a lady came in to tell me that a little girl was sitting on the sidewalk all alone, she didn't think that was safe, and couldn't I do something about it.  Déjà vu.  I walked out into the dark and cold and talked the child into coming back inside the library.  Told her to sit right next to the window and she could watch for her ride there.  A few kids came up to the circulation desk wanting me to buy different things they were selling for band/girl scouts/boy scouts/ etc.  When the volunteers that run the club left, I still had three girls left over.  However, soon each was picked up and the library became almost eerily quiet.  Think I actually preferred the hubbub.


Pete said...

Love the pic .... content, hues, lighting, textures!

Jordan Journal said...

Kids have a way of turning chaos into fun. Wish adults could do the same sometimes.