Thursday, November 15, 2012


I walked out through the fields just as the sun was setting. The Belt of Venus, a beautiful phenomena caused by the shadow of the earth and atmosphere, arced across the east. High overhead two jets were still in sunlight. Made me wonder why it took so long for mankind to accept that the earth is round. Well... there is still a Flat Earth Society however I sometimes imagine that it is just a group of die-hard Republicans. Which got me thinking about the excuses Gov. Romney gave for why his presidential run failed. Not one of his reasons was that the GOP's fiscal policy message is overshadowed by their insistence that government should also legislate morality.  I'd bet Gov. Romney $10,000 that was a factor in his loss (fortunately the most I ever bet is a cup of coffee).


Kathy said...

Romney lost?

Anonymous said...

Or it could be that too many people like feeding at the gov. table and don't want that cut off.


Jordan Journal said...

I'm with you Sue!