Saturday, November 17, 2012

Aunt June

No, Aunt June doesn't spend her time putting together jigsaw puzzles nor did she recently learn to play the piano.  I stopped by the nursing home today w/ a couple cups of coffee and found June in the beauty salon.  She was just having the curlers taken out of her hair.  I happened to have my camera in the car - hoar frost covered everything this morning so I had grabbed my camera just before I took off  in case there was a good picture.  Figured this was my opportunity.  We drank our coffees and then found places in the new section for a photo shoot.  June played along, posing for shot after shot.  We had fun until it was time to get her back to her own wing for brunch.



Anonymous said...

Beautiful lady!!


Anonymous said...

Looking at her is just like looking at a picture of my Grandma Mayer. They could almost be twins.