Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Phil atop Christie Mountain

The town chairman and I met at the lawyer's office to do the land swap of the acre where the current town hall is located to an acre of land just down the road. The new plot of land will give the town clear title to the site (the deed to the current town hall is a bit nebulous). However, a simple swap was not to be. We still have the presidential election coming up in November and I wanted it held in the current town hall - no changes just before the biggest election in four years. The chairman wanted to get as much work done on the new site before the ground froze and the farmer getting the old site wanted top soil on the spot before winter so it could settle before next year's planting season. So today, the farmer just signed the deed over to the town for the new site and both the chairman and the farmer signed a separate agreement that after the election the town would raze the current building, remove the debris, put in top soil, and sign the deed over to the farm. An interesting meeting while I listened to the lawyer negotiate the separate agreement between the two parties. Just like Judge Judy except w/ no berating nor one-liners.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful colors!