Monday, October 01, 2012

Sheila on Christie Mountain

Phil and Sheila were here for Phil's 50th high school reunion. On Sunday we went up the Christie Mountain ski lift to see the colors. At the top, Phil and Sheila met some friends and while they talked I amused myself by taking pictures of people coming off the ski lift. Got some of the town supervisor and his wife (joked that it was $2 a picture and he said to put it on his reimbursement form). Sent a few pictures to the owners of Christie Mountain. Got a nice e-mail back from them - they had been so busy that they hadn't taken any pictures so appreciated having some. In this one Sheila is either hanging onto Phil so she doesn't go over the edge of the cliff -or- planning on pulling him over - I can't tell which.


Jordan Journal said...

She has that menacing look on her face I think it was "pull". The colors look fabulous! Glad to see all had a good time.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm! Sheila is a "trickster" so I think she is going to pull Phil's legs out from under him so that he falls on his "bum". Then she will smile and help him up so she can do it again. Ha! Ha! Ha!