Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Goldenrod at sunrise

  Milked w/ Jose today. The diary owners said milking w/ him on Wednesdays and Thursdays might become a regular schedule. OK w/ me - Jose is a hoot. He told me that he didn't get to bed until 1 a.m. and he was into work at 5 a.m. Muy sueño! A foggy morning so I asked him what the word for "foggy" was in Spanish. He said "nebuloso". Easy to remember for me - must come from the same root word as the astronomy term 'nebula'. He then said "¿Cómo se dice 'tengo hambre'?" Don't know how long it's been since I learned that phrase but somewhere from the recesses of my mind I remembered that 'tengo hambre' means 'I'm hungry'. I repeated the word "hungry" a couple of times until he got the pronunciation correct. (Now I know how he feels when he's trying to get me to pronounce a word correctly!) Think I'll make 'galletas' and bring them into work tomorrow.

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