Sunday, September 23, 2012

Gray Tree Frog

I opened the drawer where I keep my keys and this frog looked up at me. I reached in, grabbed the little fellow and put him outside on my tree trunk bench. I don't want you to think that I usually find amphibians in my drawers. Well - that sounded wrong. I think it happened this way. I have a desk near the door to the foyer and it's first drawer is for keys - so I can grab them as I go out the door. The night before I'd brought the potted plants into the foyer to keep them from getting frosted. He was probably nestled down in one of the plants. When all of the lights went out in the house, he just hopped through the foyer door and, being a tree frog, climbed the leg of the wooden desk and into the security of a slightly open drawer - where I found him the next morning. It's either that or he wriggled out of the potions pantry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking it was your potions pantry. What movie is this line from?

"Frog's breath?! Nothing is more suspicious than frog's breath!"
