Saturday, September 22, 2012

Aunt June (2006)

Outside each resident's room at the nursing home is a picture w/ their name. Most of the pictures are provided by the home and are of kittens, flowers, fish, or deer - things like that. I'd replaced the provided photo in front of Aunt June's room w/ a black and white photo of June when she was around 20 years old. My thought process was it might be a good thing for the staff to remember that she was once young just like they are now. Over time, that picture has suffered a few bent corners so I brought over some new photo's for Aunt June to pick from. She chose this one taken at the nursing home awhile ago. I put it up outside her room and, I must admit, I like it much better than the old one.


Anonymous said...

Always a pretty lady!!


Anonymous said...

I love that picture. Carolyn