Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Good Bye and Good Riddance

Scott the herdsman's last day at the dairy - or it would have been if he had shown up for it. When we were ready to start, and still no sign of Scott, I called the dairy owners. My call woke them up and they said Scott had stated he would work Tuesday morning and leave after vet check. The owners decided they would come in to help us w/ the hospital group. Hopefully, Scott already has secured another job because I doubt he would get a good reference from Eric and Carol. I was playing w/ the idea of keeping Scott's cell phone number in my contact list (I had to call so often to remind him to come into work, it's on my speed dial). Was contemplating all of the mean and nasty things I could do w/ it but in the end decided to just delete it. I'm happy to be shed of him and, I'm afraid w/ his attitude, life will exact it's own revenge on him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too bad Scott did not have parents, like we had, to teach him how to get up in the morning before something "untoward" happened to him. Remember Mom or Dad waking us up to something like..."Get up! It's daylight in the swamps!" I never had cold water poured on me but I think one of our brothers did. Ha! Ha! Ha!