Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Red-Tailed Hawk

My cell phone voice mail said it was full. W/ the election coming up, I might start getting messages from people wanting absentee ballots. Decided I had to bite the bullet and clean out my messages. Got rid of the one of my niece singing Thanksgiving songs to me from last year (come to think of it, not sure what year she did that). Also removed the one of my sister saying that she finally had a moment to herself on Christmas morning and was thinking of me. Gone too is the message from my neighbor saying of course I could take one of his poles to put a wood duck house up and no charge for it - just his contribution to my wildlife project. Had to also delete the one from my friend Kathy singing (her singing skills are notoriously bad) Happy Birthday to me on my 60th. Did keep the ones from the Assessor's wife where she railed at me for not paying the assessors bill three months in advance of the contractual date (that story might not have ended yet and I may need evidence.) Hated to delete the voices of some of my favorite people - maybe I should call them and leave a message.


Rachel said...

I think it was 2009.

Pete said...

I've saved phone messages by recording them with digital recorder, recorder (via USB port) to computer, then burn to disk or save to USB flash drive.

Kathy said...

I can re-send my Happy Birthday (or sing a request). Let me know.