Wednesday, September 05, 2012


My car is finally back to normal. After hitting a deer in July, it took until last week for the garage to be able to work on it and nine days (there was a holiday in there) later, I finally got the call this afternoon that it was ready for me. Only about five minutes to sign over the insurance check to them and give them a person check for the deductible. Sean gave me the keys and reminded me that the headlights are good for as long as I own the car. Think he reminded me of the same thing the last time I hit a deer. Besides fixing my car, they washed it inside and out and now it reeks of cleaning fluid - which is actually a better odor than it had before. Waved goodbye to Sean. While he's a nice guy, hope I don't see him again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I recall your blog entry the last time you hit a deer was about the same - "nice guy, hope I don't see him again". Maybe you should look at it a different way. Stop in and see him every few weeks to break the spell.
