Thursday, September 06, 2012

Horsehair mushrooms

I don't really think there are "senior moments". Sure, we all use the term when we temporarily forget something and blame it on growing older. It isn't. Little children forget things and we just say they will learn. Middle aged people forget things and we say they are too busy. The kicker for me is working w/ a bunch of 18 - 22 year olds who should be at the prime of life. They have plenty of experience, they usually aren't yet busy w/ spouses and kids, and are the peak of their physical prowess. Yet, they need to be reminded to check the bulk tank mid-way through the milking. I've told them to clean the aisle from west to east since the floor slants down to the east and there is a grate at that end for the water to go. I still see them trying to wash uphill. Sometimes they will prep cows and walk out of the parlor - totally forgetting to go back and put the milkers on. So next time you forget something simple, don't think it's because you're losing your memory to old age. Your mind has always been faulty.

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