Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Storm Front

Jordan left the dairy two weeks ago. He didn't give much notice and he was going to be the fill-in for me while I was in the Big City at the state fair. (The owners were able to call in a different substitute.) Was a little surprised then to see him today. Turns out being a welding assistant on the pipeline (while it paid twice what he makes an hour at the dairy) wasn't the job for him. He's doing odd-jobs right now and I told Carol, the dairy owner, that if he was free he could help us scrub the parlor today. As I've said before, no one likes scrubbing. Eric, the other diary owner, had something else for Jordan to do right after milking but Carol was looking out for me because in about ten minutes, Jordan showed up and said he could help.  By the end of cleaning, he was grumbling a little but I placated him by thanking him for his help and asking if there was anything I could do for him. "Chocolate chip cookies," he said. "Not a problem," I replied. "Good. I should get something for doing woman's work." he joked. Not the kind of joke to say around me. I chased him out of the parlor and yelled after him "The cookies will be ready for you tomorrow. If you dare to eat them!"

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Good to hear you are getting along with your colleagues.