Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Waxing Crescent Moon

Beloit College put out it's 2012 mindset list for entering freshmen this year. 
-They have never seen an airplane "ticket".
-They listen to music on a MP3 or iPod and really have no use for radio.
-They watch TV on everything but a TV.
-Exposed bra straps are a fashion statement instead of a wardrobe malfunction.
-Star Wars is a film and not a defense strategy.
-Probably the most tribal generation in history, they despise being separated from contact w/ similar-aged friends.
-For the majority of their lives there has been a woman in the State Department leadership and women are pilots in war and on the space shuttle.

Some of the changes are great.  Some a sign of progress.  However, I'll still never consider showing a bra strap as anything but a faux pas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We saw this in the Champagne town newspaper while taking Olivia back to college this week!
Of course, I pointed this article out to her! Ha!