Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Filled in for the librarian this afternoon while she spent the afternoon in class. First I put away books that had been checked in. Then stamped and dated another pile of new books. Sorted the books on the "Hold" shelf which proved to be useful as quite a few people came in just to pick up the books waiting for them. Opened up the display cabinet for the person I had contacted to put in a "harvest" display for September. Helped a little boy find a "Pokemon" book and an older gentleman order a large print Western novel. Packed up two boxes of books that will be picked up by the courier tomorrow morning. Answered some questions for a lady who has a cabin in the area and wanted to know what this library had to offer. Kept busy and soon it was closing time. One last look at the new September display (she did a fantastic job) and locked the library door for the night.  

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