Monday, August 27, 2012


The state's Department of Justice (DOJ) has appealed to the Supreme Court to override the lower courts injunction against implementing Voter ID requirement for elections. If it goes through it will mean new forms, new procedures for election workers, and changes for voters - many of whom only vote once every 4 years. My municipality has had four elections so far this year and we have been able to try out changes the state's Government election Accountability Board wanted implemented (didn't like it but we did it). I tried to explain to the DOJ that implementing a change this big just before the November presidential election is a mistake but they won't listen.    I won't run for town clerk again next year - time to give someone else this fun opportunity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doesn't seem like WI is too concerned about expenses making changes in mid-electiions. That always takes extra paid training.
I had to do the early voting as I was out of town on 8-14; FL primary. So I wondered why don't they have voting all week for everyone and be done with it. I think it would save money; a lot of it.JVM