Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ghost Pipe (a/k/a Indian Pipe)

Ori gets fed once a week. She has two dishes which hold enough dry food for the week. She has two dishes which hold enough water (though she prefers running water and begs for me to turn on the bathtub facet for her from time to time. I always oblige). She also gets one can of wet food on Sunday. No chance of ever forgetting to feed her. She seems to know when the weekend comes and can make an enormous noise for such a little cat. I know it seems strange to say that I feed my cat only once a week but it seems to work for us. Of course there are also those "snacks" she sometimes catches.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could you invent "kitty treats" that taste like mouse? Seems like all I see in the store supposedly taste like chicken or beef. I think it could be a big seller.
