After taking some pics of sunrise, I saw this coyote come out into the field looking for breakfast. Indy hadn't seen it so I immediately got her inside. She's bigger than a coyote but I didn't want to chance a fight or finding out the rest of the pack was nearby. Today was sunny, in the 70's and one of those absolutely perfect days. I was out on the deck and Indy was poking around in the tall grass when I saw the coyote come out into the field again. I tried calling Indy back but she already had seen the coyote and given chase. "Great," I thought, "won't see her for awhile." However, after a few minutes Indy and the coyote come back into the field - together. Indy loped back to me but the coyote stopped at the edge of the field wary of coming closer. Have no idea what happened while they were both gone over the hill. Maybe it was just too nice a day to spoil w/ a fight?
Hmmm, was the coyote of the opposite sex by any chance? ;-)
Wow - maybe we could all learn a lesson from Indy and the coyote!
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