This summer, all of my cacti are in pots just outside my bedroom door. Sometime during last night/ this morning, a stem came out of one of the cacti on the deck and this enormous white flower bloomed. While the flower is gorgeous and I'm pleased that the cactus is happy enough to bloom, I'm a tiny bit afraid of going to bed tonight. Images of
Invasion of the Body Snatchers pod plants keep going through my mind. Think I'll make a pot of coffee.
Put a pen or something next to it so I can see how big it is. I had that happen once but the flower was very short lived and it smelled horrible.
I saw some unusual cacti at Wal-mart Wed in Sebring FL. They were wavy/curly instead of flat curve.
I just bought plants for along the carport. I'll need Grandma Mayer's touch to keep them going.
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