When I walked into the Nursing Home there was a clutch of residents talking by the door. I greeted them and was surprised to see the last one was Aunt June! She introduced me as Sue, her sister-in-law (well, pretty close) and we went out on the common patio. Aunt June has complained before about the Nursing Home coffee but the Swede in her requires it in the morning to get going. I'd stopped by McD's on the way over and picked up lattes for us. She thought the stuff was heavenly. We sat there drinking our coffees, admiring the flowers and listening to the splashing of a small waterfeature. Another resident came by and conspiratorially whispered to me, "She can't keep her hands off men, you know." I don't know what caused her to say that but whispered back, "Me too"
That is funny. A little disturbing perhaps, but really funny.
I understand about that coffee in the morning. Must be the Swede in me, too.
Some of those ladies crack me up. Remember the one who wandered into rooms and took everyone's Kleenex box and stashed them.
I think the staff found about 50 boxes in her closet. Ha!
Older people are funny! An 89 yr old "volunteer" bingo caller apologized for not getting to the Nursing Home on time during a snow storm, because she had to shovel the driveway first. Then she asked me why I thought her "high heel" shoes were wearing on the bottom between soles and heels. She enjoyed going out dancing, so her answer: bar stools. Ha!
I'm trying to picture Aunt June flirting wildly with men....;-)
The raspberries look good enough to EAT! JVM
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