I stopped in at the beauty shop. It's only open on Tuesdays and Thursdays so thought I would make an appointment for a cut and color. The beautician I had seen before wasn't there but another lady was and she said that Thursday was full but she just had a cancellation and could take me now. Great - I hadn't brought any money w/ me nor did I have my check book. "Not a problem." she said. "You can come back on Thursday and pay me." This lady didn't even know me. However, as she worked and we talked, I found out that her husband is the chairman of the town just south of my township. She found out that my land is less than a quarter mile from one of the trails she rides her horse on. So by the end of the session we were talking like old friends. I said if she was going to be at her shop for awhile I could go home and come back w/ her payment. "Stop worrying," she said, "Thursday is soon enough." Now I can't imagine that happening in the Big City.
I saw these clouds, early this morning, before I set out for my walk. Nice to know they have a name.
Small towns....gotta love 'em.
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