If an accident is over $1000 damage, the state has a form to fill out and be sent to them within 10 days. Stopped by the sheriff's office today to pick it up. The form wanted my name, address, date of birth, etc. They also wanted my driver's license number. That's just overkill. The state doesn't need
both pieces of information, one would lead to the other. The form asked for the make of the car, owner's name, year, license number, etc. It also wanted the VIN. Again, they don't need both - either info would do. Under
Type of Accident I checked the box labeled "Hit a Deer." (Car-Deer collisions are frequent in the state.) Next was a large box to write a description of the accident. I wrote "Hit a deer." (Duh). The form also had another large box w/ instructions to draw how the accident happened. Now, I know what they wanted - a picture showing road curves, intersections, lanes, direction of travel, etc. Instead, I drew a little picture of my car, a picture of a deer, and one of those free-form stars between the two to indicate they hit. Not my best work but, hey, Art wasn't my major in school. Should give someone at the state office a laugh, though.
1 comment:
Beign the gov't, it wouldn't surprise me if they'd want the other party involved to fill out a form also.
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